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Bored at work and I want a Cigarette

Sir Lawrence, Travis…Sir Travis Lawrence… STL sounds like still….without the vowels….it moves the heart… my heart has wings but no legs…and it wants a cigarette….. only I don’t smoke….at least I think I don’t…. I think..therefore I know…I don’t think so… as I inhale and exhale out shapes that are my destiny escaping... a gentle ring that doesn’t fit my finger..a horse and buggy..a house in a tree of melons.. ..and there goes that teddy ..that bear ..that teddy bear without it’s stuffing..and my childhood down the bathtub drain…bubbles of boats of loads of things…floating past…without any thoughts….it skips a beating or two…and the wind is knocked out of me…becoming an earthworm..squirming and curling up into that imaginary place..then the Earth breathes …and I inhale another drag of that damn cigarette ..poisoning my cans with toxic waste bunnies..dusting up underneath my shirt..and onto my kitchen walls..the window cracked open…in my car with wings..puttering along the interstate…routing through back drafts and frontlines of yellow striped dreams…. I have lost the flock..I carry the weight of two men on my head..and wrap myself up..in a nest of wasteful treasures…recycled mindless treasures that know how to argue..know how to fight…and those punches hurt like hell….as my eyes roll along the horizon that seems all too familiar.. like a dream I once had…a dream..that never left my pillow..a dream that soiled my sheets and tied me to the bedposts…. a nightmarish dream in red…a happy dream…a hopeful dream that made me look to the sky…..look to the sky for those things in the clouds…all those amazing things…the frogs and the chickens….the snails and puppy dogs…honey bees and fair weather friends….and those sea gulls that like to throw shit….that one there has a mean right hook….it’s hot and discolored where it hit me…ahhh..inhaling another burning wave of cigarette…thank god for those tobacco harvesting birds with the stained wings..the beaks of burden…and those patterns of fury in flight…I take you into my mouth and caress you with my fingers…I stain you with red and pink glossy lust..and devour you until you disappear..until you are part of me..until you no longer exist to the naked eye..the glass eye drinks until you no longer exist to the sea and the sky..or to the masses of things that you found buried in the backyard…buried underneath all that Earth and sky…all of that Earth and Sky…it covers us like smoky love and poetry…and beautiful trash heaps we fly by….flying to new lands ..of new hearts ..of newly stained cigarettes…underneath my pillow last night.

Say..you got a cigarette my friend?

Bored at work and I want a Cigarette